690 research outputs found

    Establishing Indoor Comfort Temperature (Neutral Temperature) in Naturally Ventilated (NV) Office Buildings in Jos, Nigeria

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    The aim of the research is to grant understanding to the concept of thermal sensation, acclimatization and by extension establishing Neutral Temperature for office users. The Neutral Temperature is the indoor temperature in which an average office occupant feels comfortable without the aid of mechanical ventilation. Ten (10) naturally ventilated (NV) office buildings were randomly selected within Jos urban conurbation in northern Nigeria. Using research techniques established by Han et al (2007), Wang (2006) and Becker et al (2002) which are adaptive in nature, the research established a Neutral Temperature of 29.4oC for the occupants of these building types.Ā  This Neutral Temperature is 4.34 oC higher than that established by Ogbonna & Harris 2007 in similar locality i.e northern Nigeria. It is also 0.31 oC higher than that executed in a warm humid climate of southern Nigeria (Adebamowo, 2007). It should be noted here that the aforementioned researches were conducted for residential buildings where factors such as activity level, adaptation, level of clothing of respondents and ambient weather differed. The research recommends further studies using similar methodology but in varying seasons and geographical locations. This is to establish further credence to indoor thermal comfort studies using the adaptive method. Keywords: Neutral Temperature, Acclimatization, Thermal Sensation, Adaptive Model, Productivity, Sustainability. DOI: 10.7176/JETP/10-3-05 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Sedimentary facies and environments of the sedimentary fill of Southern Bida Basin, Nigeria

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    Six lithofacies were identified in the Lokoja Formation, Southern Bida Basin: fanglomerate/ conglomerate lithofacies (Gmc), fine to coarse-grained ferruginized weakly cross-bedded, pebbly sandstone lithofacies (Scx), fine to coarsegrained sandstone lithofacies (Sfc), silty claystone lithofacies (Csm), siltstone lithofacies (Slt) and lateritic ironstone lithofacies (Ilt). These were grouped into three lithofacies associations viz: alluvial fan, braided river channel, floodplain lithofacies association. Nine lithofacies were identified in the Ahoko Formation. These are: black-dark grey carbonaceous shale lithofacies (Shc), bioturbated ripple-laminated siltstone lithofacies (Sbr), poorly cross-laminated claystone lithofacies (Cxl), concretionary/nodular ironstone lithofacies (Icn), medium to coarse-grained sandstone lithofacies (Smc) fine grained, well-sorted, friable bioturbated herringbone cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies (Sxf), massive brownish claystone lithofacies (Clm), massive claystone with lateritic ironstone lithofacies (Cli) and lateritic ironstones lithofacies (Ilt). These have been grouped into three lithofacies associations viz: shallow marine lithofaciesassociation, tidal-intertidal flat lithofacies association and floodplain lithofacies association. Similarly, three lithofacies were identified in the Agbaja Formation and have been grouped into two lithofacies association. These are: fine to medium-grained sandstone ironstone interbedded lithofacies (Sti), ooliticā€“pisolitic ironstone lithofacies (Iop) and concretionary ironstone lithofacies (Icr). The lithofacies associations are: tidal-intertidal flat lithofacies association and shallow marine lithofacies association. Result of lithofacies analysis helped in interpreting the depositional environments. The Lokoja Formation is a product of a fluvial dominated alluvial system from debris/gravity flow in alluvial fan. This developed further into braided river channels and later meandering river during the closing stages. Sediments of the Ahoko Formation were deposited in tidal/intertidal flats and shallow marine environments while sediments of the Agbaja Formation were produced by a shallow marine system with a high tidal influence. &nbsp

    Electromagnetic Method and Vertical Electrical Sounding for Groundwater Potential Assessment of Kintampo North Municipality of Ghana

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    Electromagnetic (EM) profiling and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) of electrical resistivity method have been employed to explore for groundwater in the Kintampo-North Municipality in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. The EM profiling data were obtained with GEONICS EM 34-3 equipment at 20 m intervals along 20 profiles of length ranging between 70 to 240 m to determine conductive anomalous zones for further investigation within the unconsolidated overburden and/or water-bearing fissures in the bedrock. Subsequently, using the ABEM Terrameter, VES employing the Schlumberger electrode configuration was carried out at previously selected 53 promising anomalous points on the EM profiles. The modelled VES data using RES1DINV software revealed a number of subsurface layers and their corresponding apparent resistivity values and thicknesses. The results indicated that the EM terrain conductivity anomaly in the study area varied in the range 6-87 m mhos/m with the average and maximum apparent conductivity values of 48.5 and 76 m mhos/m respectively. The VES revealed three to four-layered lithological subsurface sequence, indicating decreasing apparent resistivity with depth. This depicted the general trend of Ļ1< Ļ2>> Ļ3ā‰¤ Ļ4, where Ļ1, Ļ2, Ļ3 and Ļ4 are the apparent resistivity of the layers 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The results further showed that both the average apparent resistivity and thickness of layers 1, 2, 3 and 4 are respectively 368 ā„¦m, 3.9 m; 435 ā„¦m, 17 m; 50 ā„¦m, 53.5 m and 332 ā„¦m, >53.5 m. Thus aquifer zones were estimated to be located between 15-30 m depth. These layers were inferred to be the sandy-clay topsoil, weathered/fractured layer and the fresh bedrock. However, the weathered layer and the fractured basement constituted the aquifer zones across the study area within the Voltaian Sedimentary Basin, which is otherwise regarded as a difficult area in locating groundwater resources. Keywords: Groundwater potential, aquifer, apparent resistivity, terrain conductivit

    A Herschel and CARMA view of CO and [C II] in Hickson Compact groups

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    Understanding the evolution of galaxies from the starforming blue cloud to the quiescent red sequence has been revolutionized by observations taken with Herschel Space Observatory, and the onset of the era of sensitive millimeter interferometers, allowing astronomers to probe both cold dust as well as the cool interstellar medium in a large set of galaxies with unprecedented sensitivity. Recent Herschel observations of of H2-bright Hickson Compact Groups of galaxies (HCGs) has shown that [CII] may be boosted in diffuse shocked gas. CARMA CO(1-0) observations of these [CII]-bright HCGs has shown that these turbulent systems also can show suppression of SF. Here we present preliminary results from observations of HCGs with Herschel and CARMA, and their [CII] and CO(1-0) properties to discuss how shocks influence galaxy transitions and star formation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings for IAU Symposium 309, Galaxies in 3D across the Univers


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    PT Iroha Sidat Indonesia (PT ISI) melakukan proses budidaya ikan sidat di Banyuwangi dan sangatbergantung pada penggunaan air tawar. Proses tersebut diduga memberikan pengaruh terhadap kondisipermukaan tanah di sekitar lokasi tambak PT ISI. Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan Aquaculture Improvement Program (AIP) yang bekerjasama dengan WWF Indonesia, dilakukan kajian untuk mengetahui pengaruhaktivitas sumur bor (pompa) terhadap Penurunan Muka Tanah (PMT) di tambak PT ISI. Kajian ini dilakukandengan metode DInSAR (Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar), yaitu metode denganperpaduan dua citra radar dengan fase berbeda untuk memperoleh pergeseran tanah. DInSAR akanmemberikan hasil analisis deformasi hingga pada ketelitian sub-sentimeter. Analisis DInSAR dilakukanmenggunakan citra Sentinel 1A tahun 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 dan 2019 dan proses pengolahan citradilakukan dengan menggunakan software SNAP v.7.0. Hasil pengolahan citra Sentinel 1A per-tahun menunjukkan adanyadeformasi vertikal yang terjadi di sekitar area tambak PT ISI. Hasil tersebut menunjukkanadanya variasi deformasi vertikal setiap tahunnya, dimana terjadi subsidence (penurunan) dan juga uplift(kenaikan). Nilai PMT yang terjadi dari tahun 2014 hingga 2019 berkisar antara (-0,001) ā€“ (-0,031)meter/tahun, sedangkan nilai kenaikan yaitu 0,016 meter/tahun. Hal ini dapat menjadi salah satu bahanpertimbangan oleh PT ISI untuk melakukan efisiensi dalam penggunaan air tanah. Dalam kajian juga ditemukan adanya proses penambangan pasir di sekitar tambak PT ISI, sehingga diperlukan kajian lebihdalam untuk mengetahui spesifikasi pengaruh terjadinya PMT yang diakibatkan oleh pompa dan penambangan pasi

    Estimation of gillnet and hook selectivity for Carangoides fulvoguttatus (Forsskal, 1775) captured off Kanyakumari coast of India

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    Selectivity and fishing powers of multi-mesh gillnets with mesh sizes of 13.5, 14, 14.5 and 15 cm and hooks No. 5, 6, 7 and 8 were studied using the experimental catch data of the carangid Carangoides fulvoguttatus (Forsskal, 1775). The selectivity curves, parameters and residual plots for different models viz., normal scale, normal location, log-normal, gamma and bi-normal models were produced applying the SELECT (Share Each Length Class Total) methodology which has been incorporated in the software GILLNET (Generalised Including Log-Linear N Estimation Technique). The models were evaluated using the statistical tools viz., model deviance, dispersion parameter and residual plots to determine the best fit of the selectivity data. The uni-normal model, normal scale was found as best fit for the gillnet catch data while bi-normal was identified as suitable model for the hook catch data. The mesh size of 14.5 cm and hook No. 5 performed better than the other modeled meshes and hooks respectively. Gillnet selectivity data did not converge into bi-normal model due to single mode of capture. However, the hook catch data converged into bi-normal model with two modes of selection curve. Over dispersion was found common in catch data obtained from both gears due to larger size of fishes caught and demonstrated lack of fit in both selection data

    A taste of the deep-sea: The roles of gustatory and tactile searching behaviour in the grenadier fish <i>Coryphaenoides armatus</i>

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    The deep-sea grenadier fishes (Coryphaenoides spp.) are among the dominant predators and scavengers in the ocean basins that cover much of Earth's surface. Baited camera experiments were used to study the behaviour of these fishes. Despite the apparent advantages of rapidly consuming food, grenadiers attracted to bait spend a large proportion of their time in prolonged periods of non-feeding activity. Video analysis revealed that fish often adopted a head-down swimming attitude (mean of 21.3 degrees between the fish and seafloor), with swimming velocity negatively related to attitude. The fish also swam around and along vertical and horizontal structures of the lander with their head immediately adjacent to the structure. We initially hypothesised that this behaviour was associated with the use of the short chin barbel in foraging. Barbel histology showed numerous taste buds in the skin, and a barbel nerve with about 20,000 axons in adult fish. A tracing experiment in one undamaged animal revealed the termination fields of the barbel neurons in the trigeminal and rhombencephalic regions, indicating both a mechanoreceptory and a gustatory role for the barbel. Our conclusion was that olfactory foraging becomes ineffective at close ranges and is followed by a search phase using tactile and gustatory sensing by the barbel. The development of this sensory method probably co-evolved alongside behavioural changes in swimming mechanics to allow postural stability at low swimming speeds

    Effect of Ash and Sawdust of Shear Butter) (Vitellaria paradoxa ) Storage Treatments on The Tuber Nutrient of Some Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] Cultivars

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    Qualitative and quantitative postharvest losses of Sweet potato tubers occur due to pest, mechanical, physiological and lack of appropriate storage system of the crop. The objective of this study is to seek for a safe and cheap storage method which can preserve the tubers and retain much of the nutrients. Tubers of five sweet potato cultivars were stored in pits treated with ash and sawdust of Shea butter(Vitellaria paradoxa) for one hundred and fifty days (150) at the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI), Kuru-VomĀ  (latitude 09o 44ā€™N and longitude 08o 47ā€™E), Plateau State, Nigeria. Trease &amp; Evans (1999) methods of phytochemical screening were adopted for the plant materials. Proximate food analysis method by Association of Official Analytical Chemist (AOAC, 2000) was adopted. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) test using Genstat software version 14(2000) and the means were separated using new Duncan Multiple Range Test. Phytochemical screening of the plant materials showed presence of Alkaloids, Resins, Cardiac glycosides, Terpenes and Steroids. The tubers stored in sawdust appeared fresh almost as at harvest. Proximate food nutrients show decrease but not significant in carbohydrate and nitrogen free extract (NFE) in all the cultivars after storage. Ash treatment had more decrease in moisture than sawdust treatment and control. Protein decreased in the cultivars but the decrease was significant (P&lt;0.05) in CIP4400168 and TIS87/0087 cultivars. Ex-Igbariam cultivar had significant (P&lt;0.05) increase in crude fibre. Crude ash and phosphorus significantly (P&lt;0.05) decreased while Lipids significantly (P&lt;0.05) increased in all the cultivars respectively. Calcium significantly (P&lt;.005) increased in TIS2544Rusanya1.5, TIS86/0356 and TIS87/0087 cultivars while CIP4400168 and Ex-Igbariam cultivars had significant (P&lt;0.05) decrease. Tubers stored in sawdust of shea butter gave the best preservation result. The results are further discussed. Key words: Ash, sawdust, shea butter (Vitellaria paradoxa), sweet potato, cultivar, storage treatment

    Spatio - Temporal Analysis of Land Use / Land Cover Changes in Cheha District, South - Central Ethiopia

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    Land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics pose negative impacts to land resources. Evaluation of the rate and extent of change is, therefore, indispensable for managing the environment and its implications on sustainable land resource management of the study area. The study was aimed to analyze the spatial and temporal dynamics of LULC of Cheha district during 1973 to 2017 periods and assess the implications in LULC changes. All acquired imageries of the study area were geo-referenced and re-projected. A supervised classification with maximum likelihood technique was employed to extract multispectral satellite data from Landsat using GIS and ERDAS imagine software. The Landsat imageries were monitored for (1973, 1987, 2000 and 2017) period. Seven thematic maps of land classes were identified and generated using remote sensing techniques and field verification. The study results showed the areal extent of shrub, bare and forest lands decreased by (29.6%), (19.4%) and (7.5%), respectively during 1973 to 1987 interval. However, built-up area was increased considerably by (57.3%) and agriculture land (18.9%) in the same span. The area coverage of built-up, agriculture and forest lands, during the entire study period (1973 - 2017) increased by (67.1%), (31.6%) and (59.7%), respectively. Conversely, the respective yearly change of grazing, shrub and bare land classes over the study period was (-194.4 ha), (-114.7 ha) and (-60.3 ha). The LULC dynamics pretended a serious threat to land resources in the study area over the past 44 years. Therefore, better understanding of its underlying causes and associated driving forces could support in developing sustainable land resource management in the area. Keywords: land use/land cover change, Image classification, GIS, remote sensing DOI: 10.7176/JEES/11-7-01 Publication date:July 31st 202
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